Sunday, 18 November 2012

Perks of being a wallflower audiance reaction

Audience Research Questionnaire:


Gender:       [M]          [F]

Write the number of trailers you have seen in the past month, and then write down the number of films you have watched.
Trailers Watched:
Movies Watched

What makes a good chick-flick?
Romance           Funny         Unexpected           Cheesy          Realistic         Unrealistic

Do you like Romantic movies?

[YES]        [NO]

Why do you LIKE/DISLIKE them?

What is your favourite Romantic Film?

Why do you like this film?

Do you like to watched a film not knowing what will happen in the end?

[YES]      [NO]

Do you like a film to be based in 1st person? Eg. Though the main characters eyes.

[YES]        [NO]

Do you like to watch films you can relate to?

[YES]       [NO]       Why: 

The Last Song Poster Analysis

The Last Song Trailer Analysis

Friday, 16 November 2012

The amazing spider man analysis

 The first shot shows the production company of the film 

The next shot shows the main character in among a crowd of people with his back against the audience. This could represent him trying to blend into normal people.

These next shots have quick editing which represents the action genre of the film, it also shows the main character in first a close up to show tension and deep thoughts, then in 3 fast shots which shows Spiderman in low lighting, suggesting his identity is clouded.
This next shot is joined by speech talking about how there are secrets we keep and there are secrets that are kept from us. This suggests that one of the main plots in the film is about a secret kept from the main character. In addition the shot shows a clear picture of Spider man so this suggest the secret has something to do with Spider man.

This shot shows the film distributor.  

 This establishing shot shows the city in which most of the movie will take place. It is shown in low lighting to represent the crime and the darkness in the city.


The next shot shows the main character in a normal family setting; there is speech that says ‘tell me about yourself Parker’, this is then followed up by a shot of Spider man. This suggest to the audience that he is Spider man. This reinforced the thought of secrecy as he does not tell him about himself.

The next shot shows Spider man with someone saying who the hell are you. This also links back to the father asking about him, suggesting that there is a lot of mystery around his character. The lighting of the shot sets the tone of the film this lighting is far darker than previous Spider man films. Suggesting that it’s characters are portrayed in their darker side.

This poster shows the main character from waist upwards, this portrays him as  very dominant in the film. There are scratches across his chest which could represent the violence in the film. The poster shows the release date and the title of the film. the character is looking down at his chest, there is a cut across it, this suggest that to me that in the film that cut involves him feeling responsible and disheartened. the lighting for the poster also adds to this theory  In addition the city is behind him which suggests that the whole city is riding on his shoulders.

Prop descusion

in this section of the blog i will be disusing the implications and the reasoning behind the choices of the props,costumes and general mise-en-scene elements  that i have decided to use in the film trailer. 

Firstly i will talk about the props going to be used; the first category of the props is ones that suggests the topic of military actions and the use of violence in the film. this includes the use of fake gins, flack jackets and radios. the use of guns in our trailer shows the audience the film contains scenes  of violence. In addition to this it helps to portray the action film genre. I took this idea by looking at the 'Jansen bourn' films these films are directly an action film with a huge aspect of mystery about them, this is also the feeling i want to give from our trailer. these are pictures of the guns we are going to use. i chose ones that are easy identifiable by regular action movie audiences so that it gives a sense of fimilaraty for the viewer to the film.

I am using the flack jackets and radios as a link to military actions of the film, as the plot states that the government betrayed someone and experimented on him, the military appearance in the film suggests this to the viewers. this is to propose a question to the audience; who is he, why is this happening to him and why is the government betraying him. i feel that this will give the film a large sense of mystery and entice people to watch the film.
The next element i am going to discus is the appearance of a campfire in the trailer. i wanted to use this at the start of the trailer to give the main character a sense of hope around him, this is found from connotations of the fire, in addition to a large feeling of loneliness to focus the audience on the main character at the start of the trailer.

The first shot is a high angle which adds to the sense of loneliness by showing the character surrounded by darkness with only one spot of light given by the campfire. However i wanted to give the campfire more meaning and mystery, so just as the viewer feels he knows the meaning of it i want to change its meaning to make the audience wanting to find out more of what it could mean. to represent this for the last shot of the campfire it will go out into just embers, this will symbol's the development in the film's the main character loses hope and fall into darkness.

in addition to the constant focus of mystery i want from the trailer i also want the film to have connotations of a  representation of family unity. this is show by images of the main character's family pictures in a flash backs at the start of the trailer. in these flash backs these picture will be broken representing a breaking of family unity.

Shot list

Universal thing
ELS, HA - Slow pan from left to right across a campfire– this is to be used at the start of the trailer the create tension before anything happens in the trailer.
Voice over – “you have no name”  – adds more mystery to the trailer, “who is talking?”
Flashing images of family pictures  : to add some identity to the main character - 4 shot montage
·         Close up of woman
·         Woman on the beach
·         Picture being knocked off window sill
·         Frame smashing
Voice over – “you have but one purpose”
·         Extreme high angle of the ceiling
·         Pan of tray of tools
·         Bottles of chemicals
·         High angle of antagonist
Fade to cu of the fire as it starts to go out then fire in the shot relights into a small flame
Voice over – “To fight”
Cut to black  – open new part of the film in the trailer, turning point
·         Main character punching someone in the head
·         The someone hit him with a gun but
·         Slaps the gun out of the hand
·         Trips the guy up
Slams him on the ground

Questionnaire response analysis (need charts to be added)

We have had 27 responses to our questionnaire 14 of them were female responses and 13 were male responses. This gives me an even representation from bother genders and their views on parody and comedy films.

I will start by analyzing the female and male responses for question 2 through 4. 50% of the responses were an age of 15 years old, the other half of the results are the ages 14 17 and 18; 5 results were 14 and both the 17 and 18 categories have 1 response. From the responses of question 3 in the questionnaire there is a common trend shown. This is shown by 95%of the responses say that they have seen more trailers compared to the amount of movies they have seen.

The next question asked is focusing on what aspects make an ideal comedy and parody films. I had 11 people state that they think the most important thing for a comedy and parody film is to be funny. I would agree with those responses because comedy is the main foundation of this genre of movies. In addition three people said of them to be unexpected, this has its advantages it leaves the viewer expecting the unexpected.

The number of male responses is 13, one of them was over 20 years old but the rest were under that. 4 out of 13 people that responded were 14 and the other 8 were 15 years old. From the responses of question 3 and unlike the female responses there seems to be a 50/50 ratio between people who have seen more movies that trailers and the opposite. This could be because males are stereo typically seen playing more games or watching more TV or internet videos.

One of the final questions is reflecting on what aspects encourage you to watch a film. The options were: story line  character and actors, music, the tile or voice overs  People answering the question can tick multiple options.  8 out of 14 female responses said that the story line is what attracts them to a film. 10 put of 13 male responses said that the story line is what attracts them to watch a film. 100% of female responses said that it is the characters and actors that attract them to a film. In opposition to this the male response was significantly less only 7 out of the 13 responses replied with this answer.  I feel that this was a predictable from the female responses as the stereotypical teenage girl is more susceptible to the idea of Hollywood fandom. However in addition, avoiding stereotypes, most big actors are renowned for their good acting and so when they are in a film it is expected it will be good or bad based on the actor. This fact shows that films are very reliant upon who is cast in the film; I have taken this into consideration for our film. There is no way we are going to be able to get a professional actor in our trailer, so I feel it is more important to focus on factors that we can influence and pay less attention to ones we cannot. 5 out of the 14 female responses said that music is an important factor and only 2 out of 13 male responses said that same, the low number of people who agreed with this suggests to me that the music on trailers are less noticeable by people than the picture content of the trailer. This could be because quick editing and flashing images distract the viewer form the sound. In addition I think that the first time someone watches a trailer they do not listen to the music altogether, except if they are purposely listening for it. 

Movie and trailer questionnaire


Gender:                   [M]                      [F]

Write the number of trailers you have seen in the last month, and then write down the number of films you have watched.
Trailers seen
Movies seen

What makes a good comedy/parody film?

[Funny]                                [Unexpected]                   [Rude]                  [Similar story line to original film]

Other, please state:

What is you favorite parody film if you have one?  Give a reason for your answer

In what places do you expect a film to be advertised?  E.g. websites, billboards excreta….

In comedy and parody films how do you expect the representation of bad guys to be throughout the film?

What factors encourage you to watch a film?
        Story line / narrative
        Characters/ actors
        The title
        Voice overs

In comedy films, what do you think makes them funny?

Audience research

Our audience research is firstly aiming to find noticeable points in our stimulus films, films we are going to include in our parody, to make a joke out of, so that the audience will subtly notice the link to the other films. This is the foundation of which parody films are based upon. Secondly we want to find out the factors of films in general that make people want to go and watch them. Gaining this knowledge will help me and the group decide on things to include and focus on in the film.

18 September 2012

Parody movie analysis

Parody movie posters seem to keep the trend of mocking other films, or mocking real life situations to make people feel better about them. For example disaster movie is about the world coming to an end, at the time there was big talk about global warming and the threat of the world becoming hotter and flooded. The movie took the seemingly bad situation and made it funny to take our minds off it. Parody movies also make a mockery of themselves, “not another shallow Hollywood movie” this text jokes about it being a lower budget film and also the “shallow” part makes fun of the rising water levels in both real life and in the film, making it a not so terrifying subject. It looks to me that the main purpose of parody films is to remove the audience form the troubles of the real world so that when they go back they have a brighter look on the bad things happening in the world.

14. September 2012

Initial expectation

My expectation for the start of the project is to film a parody film set for an audience of 12+.
However, I am aware that this could be challenging to create given our facilities in school. I feel that the work load would be heavier than a usual film, for example an action or a thriller. in this genre you have to be cleverer about how you use your shots than in an action or thriller. For this genre or film, you have to make clever observations about the film to make it funny. However, if the work is done, I think it would be a good risk to take with the end product being a film showing complex media theories and editing techniques.

On the thought of posters and magazine covers I feel by following the general style of parody film advertisement I could create a professional looking promotional package. The risks I feel implicate our project are that we will not get it finished because of the large work load and that our research behind the film is not going to be enough to gain viable marks.

14. September. 2012