Friday, 16 November 2012

Parody movie analysis

Parody movie posters seem to keep the trend of mocking other films, or mocking real life situations to make people feel better about them. For example disaster movie is about the world coming to an end, at the time there was big talk about global warming and the threat of the world becoming hotter and flooded. The movie took the seemingly bad situation and made it funny to take our minds off it. Parody movies also make a mockery of themselves, “not another shallow Hollywood movie” this text jokes about it being a lower budget film and also the “shallow” part makes fun of the rising water levels in both real life and in the film, making it a not so terrifying subject. It looks to me that the main purpose of parody films is to remove the audience form the troubles of the real world so that when they go back they have a brighter look on the bad things happening in the world.

14. September 2012

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